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Strategic Communications: First, Strengthen Your Core

At Health Accelerators we believe that strategic planning should be methodical and sequential. Jumping directly into tactics during the planning process is like eating dessert first: it tastes good for a few minutes, but ultimately ruins your appetite for the food you need to stay healthy. Good planning practice means getting it right from the start. It takes discipline and requires a systematic approach to ensure that your tactical investments are built on a solid strategic foundation.

Our clients understand that investments in strategy, communications planning and core messaging create a multiplier effect on their subsequent investments in media, meetings and events, investor calls and other channels through which they communicate their unique value and compelling stories.

Investments in strategy, communications planning and core messaging create a multiplier effect on subsequent investments.

Strengthen Your Strategic Communications Core
Strengthen Your Strategic Communications Core


Ideally, these three steps provide different inputs toward achieving the same goals:

1. STRATEGY Is about Choices

“What problem are we trying to solve?” is the question with which we usually start our conversations. It’s simple, yet it gives us insight into whether the challenge you’re dealing with has been clearly defined, and if it’s worth the effort to solve. This first choice sets up the rest of the process.


Clients often engage us to help identify high-priority stakeholders and influencers, understand their needs, and plan systematic interventions to create awareness, change minds and drive action. Whether you focus on external or internal audiences, your solutions must engage, influence and create sustainable behavior changes.

3. CORE MESSAGING Is about Storytelling

The strongest media plan in the world falls flat if the story is weak. We believe in sharpening your messages well before investing large sums to reach your most important stakeholders. So, we help clients develop their core story, including the right words, simple images and creative concepts. And we often coach them to deliver the story themselves.

This foundation provides alignment and continuity across a tactical portfolio.

These three important steps create a strong and lasting foundation that you can use to articulate an investment thesis, explain the science, plan the marketing mix, design promotional materials, or begin to change a company’s culture. This foundation endures longer than any single campaign and provides alignment and continuity across a tactical portfolio, whether your audience is inside or outside the walls of your company.

HEALTH ACCELERATORS is the premier B2B marketing agency that helps leading technology and media solutions providers effectively reach, engage, and influence their pharma prospects and customers. To learn more, contact us today at info@healthaccelerators.com.